Text CBD Wirkung
The CBD effect – How does CBD work and what improvements does it bring?
The health of pets is just as important to almost all pet owners as their own. Our pets can also benefit from cannabidiol (CBD) in a completely natural way. This is because CBD is a natural ingredient of the hemp plant that is known for its balancing effect on the organism.
Like humans, other mammals such as dogs also have an endocannabinoid system (ECS). The system has specific receptors that react when CBD is ingested. You can find out more about ECS in our blog article: How does CBD work?
Mammals produce endogenous cannabinoids

Every mammal produces endogenous cannabinoids, which interact with the receptors of the endocannabinoid system and regulate various basic functions of the body such as anxiety, pain or inflammation.
If the health of a dog or cat is impaired or if an animal is very stressed, it is possible that the body produces too few endogenous cannabinoids. This can lead to an imbalance in the ECS system, which in turn can lead to discomfort or pain in the animal. Taking CBD can counteract this imbalance.
CBD oil for an improved quality of life for animals
It is becoming increasingly apparent that the use of CBD oil can alleviate the symptoms of a variety of health complaints and disorders in many animals. CBD oil is used particularly successfully for anxiety, inflammation and pain as well as restlessness and imbalance. Thanks to the effect of CBD oil, the quality of life of animals can be improved in a completely natural way.
To ensure that CBD oil is also ideal for animals, it is both THC- and terpene-free and a completely natural and organic product. It strengthens the body and mind, reduces stress and balances the inflammatory metabolism.
Do animals get “high” from CBD oil?
No, of course the animals do not get “high”. CBD is different from THC – it does not have an intoxicating effect and does not cause addiction.